Room 5 is a Year 6, 7 and 8 composite class ranging from 10-13 years of age. We are a focused class with the expectation of developing leadership, supporting each-other, collaborating, striving to meet our goals and being the best learners we can be. We enjoy learning and inquiring about the world we live in and we work hard to model and use our AWHINA values. We put a lot of time and effort into thinking about our ‘Class Code of Conduct’ and we are guided by this across all aspects of our learning.
We start the day with taumata and fitness. Each week we visit the library, practice kapa haka with Matua Horrace, and enjoy sharing our mahi at our school sharing assemblies. We use a range of digital technology to support our classroom learning.
Every day we develop our literacy and numeracy skills within a range of contexts, linking to our inquiry learning wherever possible and connecting this learning to experiences outside the classroom. This year our inquiries will be guided by Relationships, What’s out there?, Choices, and Cause and Effect.
We understand the importance of challenging ourselves to take risks with both our learning and our life skills, and to always try our best.
Website: Our Room 5 website houses resources and links to learning sites and apps. We use our website in our everyday class routine. Each child has had the link to allow their access to the site sent to their email.
Learning Portfolio: Room 5 Seesaw
Seesaw is a digital platform for teachers and students to record and share what’s happening in the classroom. Each student has their own journal and can add their learning to it. They may share photos, videos, drawings, or notes. At home you can use either the Seesaw Family app (to view student’s journal) or Seesaw Class app (to view student’s journal, add items or engage with Seesaw learning activities). For instructions and the student QR code to scan please see your child’s Homework Book. Seesaw Family Help link: I’m a family member how do I add my child’s journal?