Welcome to Opua School’s Library. School libraries play a vital role in supporting teaching and learning. Our library is open Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 3:00pm including at morning tea, and at lunchtimes.

Each class visits the library once a week to browse, borrow and return books. We are also happy to lend to parents and you are welcome to borrow books for your pre-schoolers.

Our library has more than a 5000 wonderful books and is managed by Mrs Halse and by our student librarians.

Donations of good quality childrens books, board games and audio equipment are always gratefully accepted.


Take a VR Tour of our library

Our Librarians

Our Library has 18 wonderful student Librarians, who voluntarily manage the Library on a daily basis.

They also come up with ideas for the weekly challenges. These challenges generally revolve around what the children are studying at the time.

The Importance of Reading

The “summer slump” is the decline in reading achievement some children suffer from being away from school over the long summer holiday.

It is characterized by steady progress in reading achievement throughout the school year, and a decline during the long summer holidays.

Away from school, some students spend less time reading and miss out on:

  • access to books and other reading resources
  • reading practice
  • encouragement to read
  • role modeling
  • support for reading

Often, students who can least afford to lose their year’s reading gains fall the furthest behind and the loss can also be seen in maths and with their levels of confidence.

As Dr Seuss says:

“The more that you read,
the more things you will know.

 The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”