

Opua School is a full primary school, of between  100 and 120 children, aged from 5 to 13 years which is dedicated to student learning through creating innovative and creative classroom programmes. We offer a wide range of high-quality of teaching and extra-curricular activities and promote an ‘extended family’ attitude to our students.

We place a strong emphasis on caring and sharing as students, families and members of the wider community. We pride ourselves on providing a rich supportive structure for all students to flourish academically and emotionally as they develop their strengths and unique talents.

Opua School is very lucky to have a dedicated Board of Trustees in addition to a well-supported Parent Teacher Association which works with the staff and parent community to fundraise and organise a wide range of events and activities.

We are very proud of our school and we invite you to come and see for yourself why Opua School would be an excellent choice for your child.



Our school will provide a caring and sharing environment that will educate and equip the child for life.

We value:

Aroha:                                  By being respectful, honest and empathetic.

Whanau:                             By being inclusive, responsible and active participants in our community.

Hauora:                               By having a strong sense of self-identity and caring for our physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being.

Inquiry:                               By being passionate, curious and creative about learning.

Never giving up:              By being resilient, persevering and having a positive ‘can do’ attitude.

Always being our best:  By striving for personal excellence.

OUR CHILDREN will receive an education that is challenging, engaging, inclusive and co-operative.

OUR SCHOOL will be safe, well-resourced and stimulating.

OUR BOARD and STAFF will communicate with honesty, integrity, trust and respect.

Developing Literacy and Numeracy ability so students can access all aspects of the curriculum.

Developing regular physical activity and promote healthy eating.                   

Identifying individual needs and providing appropriate programmes and support.

Recognising and catering for diversity.

Providing opportunities to develop skills for future learning and being responsive to the concept of holistic learning.

Fostering social and communication skills.

Developing attitudes of caring and sharing.

Continuing the development of curriculum areas, specifying achievement expectations and monitoring Maori students’  progress.


E hoa ma, whakakotahi ai tatou, ki te manaaki i o matou whakaaro, me nga whakaanga katoa, kia noho ponotia ai i runga i te rangimarie, hei akoranga atawhaingia ai tatou katoa.

Na, ka whakarongo ki te kawenga, kia whai ake matou i to tatou pepeha – manaakitanga me te awhina.

My friends, together we will respect each other’s feelings, creativity and thinking by being honest, reliable and kind learners. We will listen and take responsibility by always following our motto – Caring and Sharing.


We are very proud about how we came to the wording for our kura’s karakia. We wanted it to be student driven. Together, as a whole school, we brainstormed thoughts about our school and what we most valued. With all these ideas on the whiteboard in the hall, we then worked collaboratively to synthesise the ideas into connected sentences. We edited and re-edited the sentences. Finally, at the end, we all discussed and agreed that it was exactly what we saw at and felt about learning at our kura.

We then asked our wonderful kaumatua and ex-principal, Mr Joe Tipene, to reflect on it and to translate it into reo for us. He was very impressed with it and also felt it was an excellent representation of this school and the children’s attitudes to learning.

We have, since its construction, saying it and learning it together, once each day. Some children already know it ‘off by heart’ and are so proud of presenting it to the rest of the school in assemblies.



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